Posts tagged second pregnancy
5 Signs You Might Be Pregnant With Twins (2024)

Is it one baby? Two? Three? Do you really have to wait until you have an ultrasound to find out for sure?

The short answer is: Yes. In order to be 100% sure how many babies are in your uterus, you’ll have to wait for ultrasound confirmation.

The good news is, there may be some other, earlier, signs of a twin pregnancy!

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When Can You Start Feeling Your Baby Move?

Once you get that positive pregnancy test, you’ll start looking forward to a bunch of different milestones. “When will I be able to hear the heartbeat?” “Is my baby a boy or girl?” “When will I have a baby bump?”

One of those huge milestones is being able to feel your baby move inside of you for the first time.

So, when do you start feeling the baby move around? We discuss all of that and more in this post.

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