Posts tagged menstrual cycle
Shettles Method - Trying for a Boy or Girl (2024)

While trying to conceive (TTC) naturally, we essentially have no control on whether we conceive a girl or a boy. While some people don’t mind whether they have a boy or girl, others may have a strong preference on baby’s sex. Maybe they already have 2 girls and they really want a boy, or vice versa.

There are a few different methods that couples can try in an attempt to “plan” the sex of their baby. We’re going to talk about the Shettles Method.

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The Ultimate Guide: Signs & Symptoms of Ovulation (2024)

Whether you’re trying to conceive (TTC), trying to avoid a pregnancy, or you just want to be more in tune with your body and your menstrual cycles, recognizing and learning the signs and symptoms of ovulation will be very helpful.

Everyone’s menstrual cycles and ovulation symptoms may vary, but there are some key signs of ovulation to be aware of. Once you learn these signs and symptoms, you’ll be able to pinpoint what’s normal for you.

Once you can comfortably and confidently recognize that ovulation is near, you can use your knowledge to either avoid pregnancy or try to conceive!

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