Posts tagged sex during pregnancy
Shettles Method - Trying for a Boy or Girl (2024)

While trying to conceive (TTC) naturally, we essentially have no control on whether we conceive a girl or a boy. While some people don’t mind whether they have a boy or girl, others may have a strong preference on baby’s sex. Maybe they already have 2 girls and they really want a boy, or vice versa.

There are a few different methods that couples can try in an attempt to “plan” the sex of their baby. We’re going to talk about the Shettles Method.

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The Ultimate Guide: Can You Have Sex While Pregnant? (2024)

Once you find out you’re pregnant, you start questioning the safety of basically everything you do. This is especially true if you’re pregnant for the first time.

You start researching what not to eat when pregnant, if you can still safely sleep on your back, and if you can still have sex while pregnant.

The good news is: Unless you are told otherwise by your healthcare provider, sex is perfectly safe for the duration of pregnancy. In fact, sex may be good for you while pregnant!

Some people are curious about specific things regarding sex while pregnant that you may not be comfortable talking about with your healthcare provider. We’re going to try to answer all of those nitty gritty (and possibly uncomfortable) questions you may have!

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The Ultimate Guide: Cramps During Pregnancy (2024)

While trying to conceive (TTC), we tend to be VERY in tune with our bodies. We question every little twinge wondering if it might be an early sign of pregnancy.

Whether you found out you were pregnant before your period was due or once your period was already late, you may have experienced some period-like cramping, but why?

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